A compendium of the comparative grammar

A compendium of the comparative grammar


Books are still one of the most important cultural achievements of humanity. Their invention was as important as the internet: for the first time, information could be transmitted en masse. Education, science, research and even entertainment have been revolutionised. Books are still changing society today.The technical possibilities of mass printing led to a radical increase in the number of books in the 18th and 19th centuries. But the circumstances were still very different from today: Those who wrote books in their day often wrote a life’s work. This is reflected in the high quality of the old books. Unfortunately, books get old. Paper is not made to last forever. Therefore, we have made it our mission to preserve humanity’s book of knowledge and to make old books available in good quality at low prices.

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EAN: 9783747747094 Artikelnummer: 65b131b49290aaccfbeb36ee Categories: , , ,

Books are still one of the most important cultural achievements of humanity. Their invention was as important as the internet: for the first time, information could be transmitted en masse. Education, science, research and even entertainment have been revolutionised. Books are still changing society today.The technical possibilities of mass printing led to a radical increase in the number of books in the 18th and 19th centuries. But the circumstances were still very different from today: Those who wrote books in their day often wrote a life’s work. This is reflected in the high quality of the old books. Unfortunately, books get old. Paper is not made to last forever. Therefore, we have made it our mission to preserve humanity’s book of knowledge and to make old books available in good quality at low prices.


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